Injectable Treatments

Home Injectable Treatments

Anti-Wrinkle Injections



As we age repeated muscle contraction through expressions coupled with loss of skin elasticity causes fine lines and wrinkles to appear on the face, which can no longer bounce back to a smooth youthful appearence.


If you wish to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles while still maintaining expression, but having that fresher more awake appearance, wrinkle reducing treatments are the treatment of choice.


Anti wrinkle injections temporarily reduces the underlying muscle activity that causes these problems, to restore your facial features and help your skin look visibly smoother.


Popular concerns treated include:

  • Frown lines
  • Crow’ feet
  • Bunny lines
  • Wrinkly necks
  • Droopy brows
  • Drooping mouth corners
  • Irregular bobbly chins













What can you expect?




Your practitioner will discuss your needs and medical history to see if an injection treatment is appropriate for you. This private 30 mins expert consultation allows the creation of a tailored treatment plan or a more suitable alternative.




At your treatment your practitioner will take before and after images. Go through the consent form and then accurately, safely and gently perform the treatment. The procedure involves tiny injections into the targeted area to relax the muscle which reduces the ability to move the targeted area.  There is generally no visible signs and no downtime from this treatment.


Return to activities


You can return to your normal activities immediately after treatment. You will start to notice a difference after 5 days, but will only see full results at 14 days.




Your complimentary review, is between 14-21 days to check the outcome of treatment plan has been achieved.



Treatment time – 15-20 mins

Longevity – 3-6 months

Results – 5-14 days

Dermal Fillers


Facial fillers will help restore volume and fullness in the face and provide facial contouring. As part of the ageing process specific fat pads start tomove resulting in loss of volume and support, which can make us look older, tired, sad or angry. With the use of facial fillers we can provide an excellent, simple non-surgical option to restore lost volume, create contour, smooth lines and soften creases. Restoring your more youthful look.


The most common areas to be injected are:


Cheeks – creates definition to lift and restore volume in the cheekbone, which results in better facial contour.


Jaw – to create a stronger more defined jawline.


Chin – improves side profile appearance and proportion in the lower face.


Nasolabial folds – adds volume to the deep crease from the bottom of your nose to the corner of the mouth.


Marionette – adds volume to the vertical wrinkles from the corner of the lips to the chin, to rejuvenate the sad look to the face.


If you are unsure of what specific treatment you need, we can advise accordingly during an in-depth consultation.


Treatment time – 40-60 Mins

Longevity – 12-18 Months

Results – Immediate

Lip Enhancement



Lip filler is a popular treatment with both men and women of all ages. The desired shape can be obtained by accurate placement of filler. No two treatments are the same weather you decide on a natural look or a fuller pout.


Our aesthetic specialist will decide on a suitable filler to accommodate the new shape and size you are aiming for. If you are unsure of what you desire we can discuss all options during the consultation process.


The procedure will include a numbing cream which will be applied for 20 minutes prior to treatment, we will be extremely careful and gentle, to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Post treatment there may be some swelling and mild discomfort which can be easily treated with home pain relief.


Treatment time – 40-60 Mins

Longevity – 12-18 Months

Results – Immediate

Tear Trough



The tear trough is the area between your lower eyelid and cheek, and as we age, we can experience volume loss in this area, which can cause dark circles and hollows under the eyes. This is not an uncommon problem and can be treated easily with Dermal Filler at our clinic in, which quickly and effectively restores lost volume, and reduces dark circles. It also reduces fine lines and wrinkles as the Dermal Fillers will boost collagen production by hydrating from the inside. Our expert practitioners will give you natural-looking results with a fresher, less tired-looking appearance.


Treatment time – 40-60 Mins

Longevity – 12-18 Months

Results – Immediate


 Excessive Sweating


Also known as ‘hyperhidrosis’, excessive sweating is a surprisingly common problem yet it is undertreated because of lack of awareness and its embarrassing nature. Clients having excessive sweating treatment often report life-changing results.


Axillary hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating that occurs in the underarm region. Hyperhidrosis is a condition that can affect many different body parts including the underarms. When a person has hyperhidrosis, they tend to perspire at abnormal rates. The sweating occurs usually without any external factors such as temperature or exercise.


People who have abnormal sweating patterns often suffer side effects from many social and physical problems. Socially, axillary hyperhidrosis may cause smells or stains on clothing, as well as psychological trauma for the sufferer. Anxiety may worsen axillary hyperhidrosis.


The treatment (excessive sweating treatment) for axillary hyperhidrosis involves small injections directly into the underarm area. Although some 15-20 injections are typically given in each treatment, the treatment is virtually painless.



How does excessive sweating treatment work?



Excessive sweating treatment works by blocking the release of certain chemicals that cause muscle contractions that also block the contractions and stimulation of the sweat glands. People with axillary hyperhidrosis, the blockage of the overactive sweat glands produces a cessation of excessive sweating. These injections usually take a couple of days to start working, but once they do the sweating is dramatically reduced.


Axillary hyperhidrosis stops for 8-14 months after the injections. Another visit to your practitioner and more injections will help stop the sweating once it begins again.


Treatment time – 30 Mins

Longevity – 8-14 Months

Results – 1 Week

Bruxism & TMJ/ Jawline Slimming


Jawline slimming – or masseters reduction for cosmetic purposes – is a simple yet effective procedure that involves the injection of the neurotoxin botulinum type A into the large masseter muscles to create a slim and more feminine jawline.


The masseter muscles are the muscles that are attached at the angle of your jaw and control all the movements related to chewing food. For some people, strong jaw muscles are part of their normal anatomy. However, for others a square jaw line is the result of a condition called bruxism, which causes excessive teeth grinding or clenching.


With overuse from teeth grinding, the masseter muscles become over developed and more pronounced, causing the shape of the lower face to alter and acquire that strong ‘square-jawed’ look.



How Bruxism can affect the jawline


Clenching or grinding teeth is an involuntary movement, which we cannot control and can occur either while awake or asleep. The medical term for unconscious teeth grinding and jaw clenching is bruxism, and many people suffer of it for years without even realising it.




The jawline slimming treatment can transform your face completely. In fact, people can go from having a square and masculine jaw, to a narrow and oval face in a matter of weeks.


Depending on the treatment recommended, you could start to see the results within three weeks. Results typically lasts for three to four months. Sometimes a repeat treatment is needed 4-8 weeks later to ensure the best results, with a follow up six months after that.


The results generally improve significantly over the first year of treatment. Finally, as the muscles relax and atrophy over time, less botulinum will be needed and there will be with longer periods between treatments.


Who is suitable for treatment?


If your teeth are dentally fit, but suffer with jaw pain and suspect nocturnal bruxism then this might be a solution. This treatment is not suitable for all jaw pain sufferers and so a consultation is essential.


Treatment time – 15 Mins

Longevity –

Results – 3-4 Weeks

Nefretti Neck Lift


The Nefertiti Lift is a non-surgical neck and jawline lift.


A more youthful looking face includes a smooth neck and a crisply defined jawline. Unfortunately, with age these parts of our face begin to slip, giving rise to an initial sagging of the jowls and the beginnings of the so-called turkey neck. In addition, there is a down turning of the edges of the mouth, giving an impression of a permanent frown.


The Nefertiti Lift is a non-surgical neck and jawline lift, tightening and smoothing these areas using Botox injections.



How does it Work?


Botox injections are known for smoothing wrinkles by relaxing muscles. To tighten and lift features of the face botox works by balancing the depressor muscles that are causing the ageing pull of the depressors by pulling them upwards (elevators).


Using Botox to relax depressor muscles allows elevator muscles to pull up specific features of the face without opposition. Resulting in a more youthful appearance.


Treatment time – 30 Mins

Longevity – 4 to 12 Months

Results – Within 3-10 days

Why choose Riverside?


We are committed to delivering excellent individual care and customer service in our clinic. Our dedicated and highly trained team aim to achieve consistently excellent results. For us it’s more than just treating patients, it’s about looking after people.